Dynamic Sliders & Attributes

Who can use this feature

Site Admin, Channel Admin

Supported features: User Pages, Videos, Live Events


Use the Dynamic Video Slider Widget to showcase your video content on your platform's pages automatically, using attributes.

The widget is available on these pages:

  • A
  • Dynamic Video Slider: Display all videos in the library, or only videos that have been assigned to a category and of your choosing.

    • B
    • Manual Video Slider: Choose the videos that appear in this slider.

In this article, we'll focus on Dynamic Sliders.

General rules that apply to all sliders:

  • A slider can display up to four video thumbnails on the screen at a time. 
  • When there are more than four videos assigned to a slider, viewers can click the left and right arrows to browse the display of videos.
  • A slider can have up to 25 videos in it.

Editing Video Sliders

When we first created your video platform, a dynamic slider was automatically created and published for you. To edit this slider or to add more video sliders, see the following topics below.

  1. Click Video Sliders in the Widgets submenu.
  2. Find the video slider that you want to edit and click

Creating Dynamic Sliders

Follow the instructions below.

  1. Click Video Sliders in the Widgets submenu
  2. Click Add Video Slider.

  1. Click Dynamic Slider.

You will not be able to change the type of slider after you have selected it.

  1. Enter a name for the slider. (The name appears above the slider when it's displayed on your platform.) 

  1. Choose the order of the slider in the slider Sort Order drop-down.
  2. In the menu
  • Select Newest First to sort the content by the most recent date. This means that your newest video will be the first shown in the slider.
  • Select Oldest First to sort the content by oldest date. This means that your oldest video will be the first one shown in the slider.
  • Select Library Order to sort the content by the order defined in the library (this will be deprecated, don't use this option).
  • Select Alphabetical to sort the content alphabetically.
  • Select Random to sort the content randomly. Each time the page is refreshed the videos will appear in a different order in the slider. This is a great option if you have a lot of returning visitors.

  1. Select the Enabled checkbox so the slider will display on the page. If you want to hide it, simply uncheck the box.
  2. Choose a category in the Category Source drop-down. If you don't select a category, or if you don't have categories set up, then the slider will display all library content.
  3. Choose a date range in the Filter by Start Date dropdown to apply only to videos within that range. For instance, if you have basketball games and you only want to show the games from 2023 in that slider, select January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023. If you don't choose a date range, it will show videos from any start date in the library.
  4. Choose any Attribute Group in the Filters window that you want to apply, if you have a lot of Attributes, you can use the search bar to find them easily. Choose the Attribute on the left and then which Attribute Group applies to your video on the right.

  5. Choose the "and" or "or" option for your Attribute Groups. This gives you more flexibility for which Attributes are used to fill your slider. For image above, if you choose "And", your video will only show it contains both the U18 Men's and U18 Women's Attributes. If it only contains U18 Men's, it will not show in the slider. If you choose "or", the video will show if the video contains the U18 Men's or U18 Women's Attribute. It does not have to contain both Attributes.

"And" will make the attribute required to match exactly to show the video in the slider.

"Or" will require only one of the attributes to match to show the video in the slider.

  1. OPTIONAL: Choose a page from the "View More" page drop-down. If you make a selection here, a "View More" button will be added to your dynamic slider. When viewers click the button, they'll be directed to the page that you've selected from the drop-down.

  1. Click Save.

The dynamic slider has been created.

You can go back and make changes to the Dynamic Slider configuration after its been created