
Who can use this feature

Site Admins

Supported features: Site Theme Builder


Your video platform should be an extension of your brand. Here are the ways that Vidflex can give your site a sophisticated and professional appearance:

  • Add your company name to your site
  • Display your company logo and favicon image
  • Display a default cover image that appears on the video player

Explore the topics below to learn how you can make your site look dazzling.

Video Tutorial

Opening the Branding Screen

Access the Branding features to begin customizing your site.

Choosing A Theme

The theme gallery makes it easy to change the look of your site. With just one click, you can apply one of our pre-built themes.

  1. Click Theme in the Branding submenu.
  2. Find the color palette that you like and click Set Active.

The new theme is applied. If you want to see this new theme on your site, click Go To My Site.

Theme Builder

The Theme Builder tool allows you to add your brand colors, and provides a selection of fonts and other element styles for the front end pages.

Learn more about Theme Builder →

Setting the Default Cover Image

The cover image A is a static image that displays on the video player when the video isn’t playing (see the image below for an example). You can add an image that will be used automatically as the default cover image each time you add a new video.

If you have existing video content, and you add a default cover image, all of your existing videos will now display your new default cover image.

  1. Click Cover Image in the Branding submenu.
  2. Click Upload Default Cover Image.
  3. Browse to and select the desired image file. Click Open.

    • Supported file types include PNG, JPG, and JPEG
    • The recommended image size is 1280 × 720
    • The maximum image file size is 30 MB

The default cover image has now been set. If you want your videos to display different cover images, see the Adding a Cover Image topic.

Adding A Header Logo

  1. Click Logo in the Branding submenu.
  2. Click Upload Header Logo.
  3. Browse to and select the desired image file. Click Open.

    • Supported file types include PNG, JPG, and JPEG
    • The recommended image height is 50px.

Your logo now appears on the header of your site.

Email Logo

The email logo image is used for all system emails that go out to a registered user on your platform. The list of system emails includes: purchase receipts, user registration, forgot password, and guest access.

In most cases, upload the same logo you're using for your platform. Or, choose a different one.

  • Supported file types include PNG, JPG, and JPEG
  • The recommended image height is 85px.

Adding A Favicon Image

  1. Click Favicon in the Branding submenu.
  2. Click Upload Favicon Image.
  3. Browse to and select the desired image file. Click Open.

    • Supported file types include ICO and PNG.

Your favicon image now appears on the browser tab.

Editing Your Site Name

  1. Click Site Name in the Branding submenu.
  2. If you have the Multi-Language feature enabled, click the language that you want to edit.
  3. Enter the desired site name and click Save.

Your new site name now appears on the browser tab.

Editing Copyright Text

  1. Click Copyright in the Branding submenu.
  2. Enter your copyright notice and click Save.

Your copyright notice now appears in the footer of your site.