
Who can use this feature

Site Admin, Channel Admin

Supported features: Videos, Live Events


The Advertising feature enables you to set up ad campaigns with each campaign containing a set of pre-roll video ads. You can control how you want your campaigns to target videos in your Library.

There are two types of campaigns that you can set up:

  • Internal campaign: set up ads directly on your Vidflex video site.
  • External campaign: delivers ads from your Google Ad Manager to your Vidflex video site.

Accessing Advertising

In the Admin Panel, go to Advertising in the left menu.

  1. Click + Create Campaign.
  2. Enter a name for the new campaign and select Internal Campaign or External Campaign.
  3. Click Save.

The edit campaign screen appears.

Internal Campaign

While editing an Internal Campaign, you’ll see these tabs:

  • General
  • Limits
  • Delivery Channels
  • Targeted Delivery
  • Pre-roll Videos

External Campaign

While editing an External Campaign, you’ll see these tabs:

  • External Link
  • General
  • Limits
  • Delivery Channels
  • Targeted Delivery

General tab

In this tab, you can configure the following:

  1. If you want to edit the name of your campaign, make your changes in the Title field. (This name is for your reference only; it will not be displayed anywhere on your Vidflex site.)
  2. Set the delivery priority as Low, Normal, or High.
  3. Set the Maximum campaign impression/plays per user per session. (This will determine the maximum number of times a campaign will appear for each viewer for each time they visit your Vidflex site.)
  4. If you want to set date restrictions, check the Set date restrictions on campaign checkbox.
    • Select the Start Date/Time
    • Select the End Date/Time
    • Select the Timezone
  5. Click Save.

Limits tab

If you want to, you can set the maximum number of impressions or clicks per campaign. After the maximum limit of either impressions or clicks has been reached, the campaign will end.

  1. Enter a number in the Impressions Limit and/or Clicks Limit fields.
  2. Click Save.

Delivery Channels tab

This topic only applies if you have a multi-channel Vidflex site, you can choose which channels your campaign will appear on. By default, your campaign will only be delivered on the current channel (which you’re currently editing).

You can choose to deliver your campaign to:

  • All channels on your site
  • Only the current channel
  • The current channel and any of its sub-channels

Targeted Delivery tab

  1. You can select the attribute groups and attributes that you want this pre-roll to play on. The rules are: ANY condition within an attribute group, AND condition between groups. Meaning a video must have at least one matching attribute selected within a targeted delivery group


    - Only choose attribute groups that all videos share that will use this pre-roll. If you choose an attribute group that some videos have assigned, but others do not, then the pre-roll won't work on any of the videos

    - Videos can have different attributes from other videos, as long as those attributes are part of the same attribute group

    - Sometimes it's easier creating a new attribute group called for example "Advertising" and create an attribute called whatever you want, e.g. "Pre-roll 1". Assign the new attribute to all the video containers that you want that pre-roll to play on. In the campaigns targeted delivery screen only select "Pre-roll 1", then save.

  2. Click and Save.

Pre-Roll Videos tab

In this screen, you can upload your pre-roll video ads. These ads will play before the start of videos in your Library.

  1. Click Create Pre-Roll Video.
  2. Enter a name for the pre-roll video.
  3. Click Save. You’ll automatically return to the Pre-Roll screen.
  4. Find the pre-roll that you’ve just created and click Edit.
    • General
    • Call-to-Action
    • Video Upload

Pre-Roll – General
  1. If you want to edit the name of your campaign, make your changes in the Title field. (This name is for your reference only; it will not be displayed anywhere on your Vidflex site.)
  2. Set the delivery priority as Low, Normal, or High.
  3. Set the Maximum campaign impression/plays per user per session. (This will determine the maximum number of times a campaign will appear for each viewer for each time they visit your Vidflex site.)
  4. If you want to give your viewers the ability to skip the pre-roll video before it has finished playing, check the Allow viewer to skip this pre-roll checkbox.
  5. If you want the pre-roll to only count as an impression after a specified number of seconds have been watched, enter the number in the Count as impression after field.
  6. If you want the pre-roll to only count as an impression after the entire length of the video has been watched, check the Full-length of video checkbox.
  7. Click Save.

Pre-Roll – Call-to-Action

If you want to include a “Learn More” link on your pre-roll video, enter the URL (starting with “http://” or “https://”) in this screen and click Save.

Pre-Roll – Video Upload
  1. In the video upload tile, you can either:
    • Drag-and-drop the video file into the window.
    • OR
    • Click Select Files. Browse to and select the desired video file, then click Open.

      A progress bar appears in the screen to show the progress of the file upload and approximate upload time. Here is an example below:

      IMPORTANT: Stay on this page — don’t navigate to another page in the admin panel while the video file is uploading. This will cause the upload process to fail. The window automatically closes once the progress bar is full, indicating that the upload process has completed.

      After the file has uploaded, it’s now being processed and optimized to display on your site — this may take several minutes depending on the file size. Return to the Pre-Roll Videos tab to check on the status of the video. When the pre-roll video has been processed, it will display as “READY”.

  2. Click Enable to activate the pre-roll video.

External Link tab

Videos on your Vidflex site can play pre-roll ads from your Google Ad Manager account.

In the External Link tab, enter your Google Publisher video tag from your Google Ad Manager account.

Enabling a Campaign

After you’ve set up your campaign and have at least one pre-roll video ready in it, you can now activate the campaign on your site.

In the Advertising screen, find the campaign that you want to activate and click Enable.